Hurcot, Butleigh Cross, Kingweston 7.2 miles

Grade - 1, Height gain - xxxft

Abbreviations are H = half, R = right, L = left, FP= footpath

From the car park at Charltons Community Centre Ref ST533 289 l turn follow to the end of the road, turn R then next L into Hill Way at bend take f/p on R to cross a stone style then ahead to a metal gate on R, follow f/p thru a wooden gate then to a stone style onto road. Turn L towards the drove (Somerton Lane Track) and (passing Priory Farm) follow to the end turn R to main road.

2) ST 512 292
TL (taking great care road can be busy) follow road under a railway bridge to take next R onto a minor road and under a low bridge, then up hill pass 4/5 houses at next junction take R thru wooden gate and pass a metal barn, follow drive way to cross style on R then uphill thru a metal gate and continue to cross next style slightly on the L. Walk R up to woods, at top L following f/p to join the polden way.

3) ST 504 303
cross style and keep R(do not follow the Polden Way) following track thru woods, at next style keep following f/p at drove turn L at fork in drove take L to opening straight ahead following lane uphill, almost at top take small f/p L leading into an open field, L on rough path to next field then R following hedge along up lane with a field of solar panels to the R. continue to road.

4) ST 515 317
At end of lane cross a style to R of metal gate onto a road, cross road and take the road opposite towards Butleigh, turn R at Higher Hill Farm follow drive to the end then the road around to the R pass Lower Hill Farm to Butleigh Cross War Memorial. Go R then L onto a f/p at corner beside a thatched cottage (North Lodge).

4) ST 524 316
Continue pass Kingweston Church to end of road, cross road into a field opposite f/p straight ahead then R to a gateway over a stone bridge (depending on crop in field it may be easier to walk around the edge to the L) cross field straight ahead to meet corner of hedge where it comes across, (Sandpit Lane) follow f/p past farm buildings to R and thru a garden with a cottage on L at main road turn L for a short distance at f/p sign on R cross and follow f/p thru field and down some steps, Cross stone style almost opposite and retrace step back to village hall from 1st paragraph.